Sunday, 13 November 2011

Tolworth Showtrain - November 2011

This weekend I drove over to Hampton Court to attend the Tolworth Showtrain exhibition, a fairly large model railway show across three halls at a local recreation center, and including a North American modelling hall with several layouts and traders including the ubiquitous penguin.

There wasn't a great deal of secondhand stock available, and LSWR didn't have any Norfolk Southern rolling stock, but I did pick up a 2011 NS locomotive guide and some new tools including an accurate set-square to help with my upcoming AP projects.

Stoney Hill West - HO Scale Candian Pacific

Bouviers Peak - 7mm Scale D&RGW

Groenen Creek - 7mm Gauge - Freelance Logging Railroad

Coyote Creek - HO Scale - Union Pacific

Moose Lake Canyon - N Scale - Montana Rail Link