Here's another quick update on the module. I've got the rest of the plasterwork done and the fascia boards cut and mounted.
The fascia panels were cut from 3mm mdf and trimmed with a hacksaw to fit, with some fine tuning and edge preperation using a hobby knife
I stained the woodland scenics rock castings using a wash of grey acrylic paint, really watered down and it helped to bring out the detail in the castings and certainly looks believable.
I've painted the entire board with a matt brown earth colour, painting as close to the rock castings as I dare with the large brush. I plan to fill in the areas closer to the rocks using a smaller brush and some green paint to form a base coat for the ground foam grass and scrub.
I also plan to try and airbrush some dirt and gravel colours onto the lower trackside and the dirt road beside the farm.
The next step will be laying out the last part of the street, with the baseplates for the three custom fitted stores. I plan to trim one of the Rix kits to form an angled centrepiece to fill the awkward space on the top right of the board (where the paint can is in the top picture).